It is the end of the year, which means celebrations and feasting and time with the family.
We are doing well! Agnes is getting a lot of rest because she is getting ready to give birth any day/week now (we have been told to expect anything after the 5th of Jan, but the official due date is the 17th)
She gets very tired and uncomfortable, and can be in a lot of pain, so please pray for her.
We also went for our visa interview a few weeks back, which went very well. The Australian man who interviewed us said at the end of it all that we had passed the 'genuine relationship' test, and he couldn't see any issue with Aggie getting a partner visa to Australia.
We thank God for a safe journey to Kampala and a good interview (even though Aggie felt very nervous and thought she did badly ... she actually did fine though)
We also had our annual YSU Christmas dinner here, where we invite many friends of YSU to come and share a meal and a celebration and we look back on the year.
It is always a positive experience looking at all the people who we have touched over the year! Many of the people who come started in our programs and now they are looking after themselves. Even though they have finished, they still come and join us, but instead of participants in our classes, they now come as friends!
We looked back on many of the things that had been achieved over the year. This included.
* A group of tailoring girls who have graduated, and many young women now taking care of themselves through work and small business initiatives.
* A passionate group of young guys who always come for bible studies.
* A talented group of youth who practice and perform hip hop dancing.
* Running two Empower Trauma rehabilitation programs to bring healing to young peoples lives.
* A new Boda Boda donated to us, to help us with out work.
* A new chicken farming structure at the YSU block with 600 chickens now being reared.
* The development of the block of land, including the building of a fence, store room, toilets, chicken houses, solar power, water tanks, two new guards and our new guard dog Spurgeon.
* A weekly fellowship every Wednesday with many people coming to worship.
* Two new babies on the way to join the team early 2016.
Of course there has been hardships this year as well, tensions with people, sicknesses and even deaths of people we love.
But through it all God has been good and continues to work.
We were all very full afterwards and all ended up falling asleep.
We also shared presents with everyone. Agnes' sisters were very excited to get a present (as the were not expecting it)
A simple Christmas gift here can mean so much to someone who has never had the experience of Christmas presents before.
She lived in a very small mud house up on a hill in a remote part of a village.
One thing that she really needed was a toilet. She had no where to go, and so her and her children had to make do with small bushes around the place.
Our young guys really felt like they wanted to build a drop toilet for this woman.
So YSU contributed the money for the materials, and the youth donated their own labor. A few days were spent digging at 15 ft hole, and then a big group of us came to build this woman a drop toilet.
Afterwards the young people all prayed for the woman and her family. A few of the youth had spent a few days there, sharing about the love of Christ to this woman and her neighbors.
And many people around the village were so impressed to see young people giving up their time to go and labor in the sun, for free.
It was a great testimony.
These are the sort of things I love getting behind. Youth initiated outreaches, where local Ugandan youth are the ones helping to build and reach out to others in their own community.
Another thing we request, is if there is anyone who is interested in sponsoring a young woman for the next tailoring class that we hope to get started in February to get in contact with HopeBuilders. It would be great to get people who would commit to sponsoring one of these girls for one year.
It is a $50 a month donation for the course of a year. This pays for teaches wages and all materials and resources to run the class. The young women learn a bunch of valuable skills during this time, including tailoring, business skills, English and Maths.
The young women also get mentored and discipled, and go through various programs including trauma rehabilitation and healing.
At the end of it all they have a bunch of new skills, a tailoring machine and a new outlook on life!
If you are interested please feel free to contact HopeBuilders on
or to my personal email on
Thank you and God bless you.