Friday, 19 January 2018

January 2018

Hello everyone.

I am sorry to say that this will be my last ever written blog on this site.

But I am happy to let you know that I will now be realizing one video blog every month.
This should be much more interesting and I hope you all enjoy this method of communication more then written word.

You can go to my youtube channel below:

and click on the Jan 2018 video.

Or go directly to the video here:

I will still be posting the links the videos here on this blog for a while ... but if you want a direct update you can rather send me an email on and be put on my mail list.
or you can subscribe to my channel and hit the little bell button so you can be notified when I have placed a new video up.

Thank you all and God bless.

Luke Vandenberg.

Monday, 1 January 2018

December (very short update)

Well it is a new year, and since it has been the holiday season I have not got round to fitting in this blog before December came and passed.

Aggie, Ethan and I are all back in Australia now, and we have enjoyed the Christmas holiday with our family here very much.

I stayed on in Uganda for the first few weeks of December, where I was able to get a lot of work done.

I was able to finish up some work for Wise Choices for Life.
You can have a look at the videos I made for them below.

I was also able to see the beginnings of the slab be laid by the Schoolies team.
The Ugandan builders were then able to finish off the slab, and get it ready for the January Hope Builders team to begin the building of the center.

Our dancing group also ran a fundraiser down at the shores of the lake in Uganda. It was focused around a talent show that had young people from all around come and perform some of dance / song / drama.

All the funds raised from this day went towards buying some soap and rice for the people in the local slum.
This was all done through the local chairperson, and the boys handed out the rice to the neediest people in the slum, so that they would have something to cook for Christmas.

Otherwise I got many things in order before I left, and I feel confident in the team that will stay on behind and run things at YSU.

I pray that you all enjoyed your Holiday break and I look forward to 2018.

I have been struggling a bit with blog writing, and since I have got much more into film making over the last year, I will be starting a vlog (video blog) for 2018.
This way I can be more interactive and show you guys my life over in Uganda through video.

Aggie and I thank you all for the support you have continued to give us, we love you all dearly.

God bless.