Tuesday, 2 September 2014


A quick update for those wanting to know how things are going here.

All things are running well.
The tailoring girls are up and running their coop. They are busy learning how to use their over lock machine at the moment.
We are currently setting up a continued training plan for them. As they run their small business, YSU wants to still be involved, helping mentor them in particular areas when it comes to running their business.
It looks like we are locked in for a contract with a few tenders to make school uniforms.
Pray for the girls, and for the success of what they are doing, as well as more opportunities for work.

The other week I got to visit an old friend of mine, Nixon. Nixon and his wife Chasity run a youth ministry in a place called Lugazi. I have always connected with Nixon, he is a great guy, and we share a similar vision for youth.
Nixon also loves all forms of media, and uses it to do youth ministry, and so I was helping him with a film making project he is running in the school holidays.
I was running a video camera operating class for one week. It was great fun to teach the guys, all of which were awesome people to work with! Sometimes I think its too easy doing youth work here, young people are so eager to listen and so respectful.
It was a great time to catch up with Nixon, as well as engage in partnership with a similar organisation doing its part among young people in Uganda.

I have also continued to run bible study, and devotions with two different groups of youth. I deeply love both of these groups. Getting together with them regularly is great, and I always feel refreshed after seeing the passion, hunger and love these young guys have for God. Many of them are very bright, and often are asking very deep questions. It's great to be able to create a platform where they can ask some tough questions that they are wrestling with.
Sometimes (especially when we come on mission trips) I think we can look at the faith of people in Uganda and we assume that they all just have a child like faith, and don't struggle with any large questions. That they just accept everything in the word without wrestling with anything. But when you probe deeper, a lot of these guys still do have deep theological and philosophical questions. Some of the things they ask, seem way beyond their age. They want to discuss questions that realm into Christian apologetic's, topics and concepts that many adults in Australia may not even engage in. And I am continually taken aback by their deep thinking, and questioning.

Recently, I have also been taking the time out to get away into quiet places. Whether this is a secluded swimming hole on the Nile river, or an early morning walk through the bush and up a mountain. By doing these things recently, I have rediscovered how much I need these little getaways.
Sometimes you can get so caught up in what you are doing, that you can loose time for God. I once read a quote that said "We are obsessed with doing the kings work, but we don't know how to spend time with the king". I can totally relate to that quote, and I often need to keep myself in check. The fountain and spring of all the work I do, needs to come from a relationship with God. Not just a 'sense of duty'.
By getting away to these places, I can read and memorize scripture, pray and reflect. Getting yourself into a quiet place helps you to listen to Gods small still voice. And after all it seems biblical .. the concept of wilderness experiences and coming into God's presence is all throughout the bible.
Reflecting on the beauty of creation, and how that rolls into worship for the creator, certainly helps sooth the soul in a broken world gone mad. I would encourage anyone reading this to do the same.
Don't just mindlessly 'do' .. take some time out, head out bush (or maybe the local park) and reflect on what is at the very depth of your soul .. who is God to you?
When you head back into your work, you will come into it with a more refreshed attitude, and a stronger commitment then before.

Lastly, Agnes got hit by lightning the other day.
She is very lucky to be ok.
We were walking back from church on Sunday, as the rain clouds started to roll in. There was a slight drizzle, and as I had my bike I quickly rode back home to pick up an umbrella for Aggie and her sisters.
After handing the umbrella over, I decided to walk back with them. I was a little bit in front of them, just under my house porch, when a huge flash of light, followed instantly from a very loud crack of thunder, completely surrounded us.
The thunder was so loud, it was like an explosion, my ears were ringing a bit from it, and I almost hit the ground.
I knew from the flash of light and the instant thunder, that the lightning must of struck very close.
I turned around to see the umbrella on the ground, and as I was on the porch, I had to move about a meter forward to see Agnes around the corner. It is funny how the mind can work so fast, in the one second of seeing the umbrella, and taking a step forward to see Agnes, I clearly remember my mind bracing itself to see the worst.
Thank God all I found was three very scared girls standing shocked.
It seems a surge of electricity had hit the top of the umbrella, gone right through, shocking Agnes' arm, and then causing the umbrella to jump out of her hand.
From reading up on the internet, it seems this is a common experience for people, and it seems a few people have been hit by lightning while holding an umbrella and walked away with nothing but a sore arm.
I am guessing the main bolt didn't hit her, otherwise she might just be a burnt out black hole in the ground. But perhaps the main bolt hit very close, and seeing as moisture was in the air, an electric charge may have resulted, and been attracted to the umbrella, which would of acted like a conductor perhaps.
I really can't be sure, all I know, she was lucky.
Considering quite a few people die in Uganda from lightning strikes every year, Agnes was also shaken and feeling blessed.
Her sisters and her spent the afternoon cooking in the kitchen, while loudly singing worship songs! thankfully she just walked away with a bit of a headache, and a sore hand after it. I checked her pulse and everything was normal, so we are thankful all is good.
It could of ended badly!
We believe that God is sovereign, and He can save or take life according to His will (not always a popular theological doctrine, but I believe it none the less).
So we are thankful.

Thanks for all those still praying and supporting us, your love means a lot to us, and we really appreciate it.
God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that lightning strike is crazy! Thank God she is OK!
