Saturday, 14 February 2015

Going back to Uganda!

So, Agnes and I have been enjoying our stay in Australia very much!
We have enjoyed catching up with friends and family, as well as spending time in our church community.
We have also had the chance to do some sight seeing, and Agnes got to experience a lot of new things while here in Australia (I think the shopping was her favourite)
It has been a full two months in Australia, and during that time I have not been writing my blog. I apologise for the lack of writing, I have been resting and taking quite a bit of time off.
Agnes and I both really needed the rest! Our community in Uganda is the kind of place you need to leave completely to be able to rest, due to the constant demands.
We were both at a point where a good rest and reflection was needed, and now we both feel ready to tackle the work ahead of us.
While we have been here in Australia, Farouk has been in Uganda managing everything for YSU.
So far the girls are still learning in their tailoring class, and the co-op girls have even been making money by making school uniforms in the community.
Two months was just enough time though, as Farouk is very excited and waiting for us to come back. He has done a fantastic job and I am very proud of him. He has really stepped up a level in his management, as he had to run everything by himself.
Farouk also hosted a HopeBuilders team while we were gone, and was able to walk the team through YSU and what we do.
At this point though, there are quite a few social issues we are having with some of our tailoring girls, including gossipping, divisiveness etc. Farouk really feels out of his league in dealing with these things, so I know he is looking forward to Agnes coming back to help out.
Please pray for some of the attitudes of the girls in the tailoring co-op. Some are great, and so committed, but we have been having problems with a few of them.

Overly we are both excited and nervous about the year ahead. We know there will be both joys and challenges, as there always is.
We have focused this year on five major areas that we would like to zone in on. We would like to continue to support and help vulnerable young women, and pregnant/single mothers. This is our way of supporting the oppressed, supporting young widows, and also making a stand against abortion. By being able to support women who would not be able to care for a child otherwise, and also by putting young women in positions that make them less at risk of getting an unwanted pregnancy (which would lead to abortion) we are able to contribute to this area we are convicted about.
Another area for Farouk and I is continuing to mentor, support and disciple young men. By contributing to the growth of young men, we hope to also contribute to our first focus (the young women) .. we hope to disciple Godly young men who will go on to be protectors and nurturers of women and children, instead of victimises.
We also aim to look more into training up some more Ugandans to be workers and volunteers for YSU, aiming to have Ugandans creating change among Ugandan youth.
We also have a focus on reaching out more to the Islamic community in our area, by creating options to financially support Muslim youth (as well recreational programs) we are able to get a foot in the door to share Christs love with these youth.
Lastly, we hope to start the construction of a youth center on a one acre block of land, and to also possible engage HB teams with this.

So a lot to look forward to this year! Please pray for all our needs while over there. For health, for visa issues (for me) and for the people we work with.

We also thank everyone who has made our time of rest a great experience.
I thank our support group of Andrew, Loz, Mum, Rob and Lynette, Chris and Jaz for all the love you have shown Agnes and I.
We continue to thank one hope community church, as well as all the people who support us financially. Without you people, we could not do what we do! You have been a real blessing and we thank you so much. There are many of you to be named, but you know who you are. Thank you so much and God bless you.
We also thank all those who have kept us in their prayers and encouraged us, it is most appreciated and certainly needed.

So now we head back for another long stint in Uganda! Again please pray for us, and you can stay connected to us through this blog.

God bless.

Some photos of our time in Australia.

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