Monday 26 August 2013

Taking the leap

So tonight I will head off on a long haul night flight to begin this chapter of my life in Uganda. I have to admit, its a little scary and daunting, and I have been a little anxious leading up to these last few days.
It really feels like the big gulp of air, or the pulsing heart beat just before the leap. I realize it's a big mission I am setting out on ... and basically, faith can be scary.
Because that's what this feels like, stepping out in faith.
But I am confident of the love and support of friends and family here in Australia and over in Uganda. But most of all I am confident in my God. I know that in good times and in bad, God is sovereign over all ... and that gives me the hope and strength to set out on this mission.

I look forward to what the next few years will await me, with all the challenges and joys. But most of all I look forward to relying on faith and experiencing God in the poor, and in the "least of these brothers and sisters of mine".

Thanks to everyone who has supported me over the last few weeks ( I have been overwhelmed by the encouragement from many people ).
And I look forward to sharing with you all my journey.


  1. Travel safe my friend!! God really has been with you and will be going forward! Looking forward to hearing how it all goes when you get there. Say hi to Sam, Paul and josh :)

  2. Awesome Luke!! Always remember that in our weakness, God's strength is revealed and made perfect. Also, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Will be praying for you!!

  3. Our prayers are with you Luke. Super excited to see the things God has in store for you. Give our love to all our family there.
